Because we are a service-based company, we know that customer service is what makes a business truly great. Not only does it lead to profits, but it stimulates a great relationship within the community. We try to provide the best possible service to our customers each and every single time we go out on a job, even when the project is demanding and requires strict adherence to certain caveats. Some projects are like that though. They have very strict requirements and we must meet those requirements. We recently completed a job for one of our great clients, METIS, a real estate company. We were able to meet this obstacle gracefully and provide top-notch customer service to match. Ultimately, they were very satisfied with our work and impressed, so they gave us great feedback online and in person, which helped boost our egos and our reputation within the community here in San Jose. We are always looking for feedback from clients, so this was a good opportunity for us.
This particular sign project’s guidelines
This real estate group really had a challenge in store for us. They had very specific requirements but we told them that we were happy to meet those requirements and would do anything that we could. We needed to make sure that all of our ducks were in a row. We understand that certain industry groups, community organizations and other associations have very strict standards and procedures, but they are not without purpose. We know that these standards are in place for a reason and we will do what we can to make sure we get every detail correct in the project. If a mistake is made, it can mean a lot of trouble for the client and the stakeholders involved. We prefer to just avoid all of that by getting it right the first time. The small details actually do matter.
Real estate sign project details
We already discussed the fact that METIS is a real estate group in California near San Jose. What they wanted from us was a custom sign for certain real estate in the area, but they needed to follow codes that were in place at the particular location where they were advertising this. The proposed signs were to be located and installed in the Hillsborough community. Hillsborough community had very tight guidelines to follow when it came to posting any type of sign or advertisements within their community. So, details were very important. We decided upon the best solution, which consisted of a yard sign for the real estate business. We offered a new kind of design solution. METIS actually provided the original artwork to use for the yard sign.
The customer service handbook: always keep it handy
METIS was thrilled with this project. They were very satisfied with the work from us and with the final product. They told us that they would definitely work with us again in the future, which tickled us pink. They applauded us for our commitment to the quality of the work and the service that we provided to them on short notice. We were very happy that we didn’t make any mistakes and that we were able to attain a new client relationship. Even though the project demands were very rigid, we very much understood the situation and we were happy to provide a solution. We met the challenge and we used better materials and hardware than local providers.
METIS gave us great feedback
METIS had no problem providing us with great feedback in person, but they took one step further and went to the Internet to leave us a great Yelp review as well. Yelp is a website that provides reviews on small businesses. Wallace from the real estate company said that the project was a success. We can’t wait to work with them in the future or with any other client that needs similar projects completed with strict and demanding standards. Just give us a call and tell us what your project involves and we will consult with you to provide the best solution in San Jose.
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